life/health update!

Hey my Mj’s ! So lately my life have been easier but quite full of things ,but let’s crack on , shall we !
First , I now live in collocation and my roommate is in my class which makes it so much fun and easier . Then, I have left some unheathy friendship behind and others in the pause mode because I have realise that I want to surround myself with positivity , inspiration and love and Nothing else!
I feel lighter and free , because I now realise that claimed to help me would in fact pull all the energy out of me and I was already sick with my chronic disease I could not afford to lost my time , health and energy .
Taking about health , I ‘ve been feeling quite good but September 24 th I have a muscular biopsie to determine the origins of my cramps and notably if it is a muscular disease or Something else .

Now in all honesty I am terrified but I ‘ll do it because overwise I will never know and postponing this decision means having more risk to be in the hospital during the exams AGAIN and wondering why AGAIN ;;; I just hate that sooo I ‘ll do this to see what’s up but don’t worry I ‘ll keep you in the loop . Now I am at home with my parents , but I feel that they have this negative energy and talk that annoys me a lot so I decided to do my thing and stay in my buble , but it is sometimes so hard to stay peaceful . Finally I might admit that I have the frustration to miss once again one weel of class but Something I have know learned is that Health and self-care should be my number one priority and I have good friends (shout out to Rebecca ,noémie, loredana, Sarah and so on) that would send me their notes and that’s so nice of them and I am grateful to have them in my life !

Even though I am back in the hospital it is just for a little period of time so I will be fine , I mean I have overcame worse things like 2/3 months in hospital , so I will deal with it even if I might admit that it scares the crap out of me as it is my first operation but anyway let’s stay calm and positive !
Besides it is at the begining at the year ,so my word for the moment is ZEN !
The funny thing is I feel like I have an increasing anxiety and that It takes more effort to relax but I am working on it !Much love my Mj’s !
Enjoy 🙂
Mary Jokes 😉

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