Design a life true to YOU

Hey my Mj’s! have you ever wondered how will you do to shake all this expectations on you! they want to mold you to design you as THEY LIKE they want you to do this or that wear this or that to resemble their life and hope to pursue their dreams and have their definition of success and happiness for you !

OH JUST STOP !! This is MY LIFE and I will do what I LOVE  no matter what!

Oh that’s too risky , too crazy, oh that’s not a job , oh where are the babies, oh were is the boyfriend , oh but where is the real job !JUST STOP

It drives me completly nuts: when I do what I love and desire ; that they (my parents , the society or friends) want me to seek their approval ,when in reality this is my life and my choices and at the end of the day i will live with it !

So , my Mj’s! live YOUR life , ALIGNED WITH YOUR DESIRES, do what YOU love because at the end of the day this is YOUR LIFE and no one else’s and life is too short and  You don’t want to die with regret !!




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