Empowered Self 08: Design your mornings according to the person you want to be !

Hey my Mj’s ! When was the last time you felt like you were in control of your day . I fermely believe ,that it has everything to do with how we design our mornings through morning routines or not .

In fact, once you realise that you have your goals and priorities , you make sure to put them first . For instance, before sitting to write this article , I have already , prayed,clean the house ( using homemade products ), my room, shower and done some work and it is 7: 30 . Anyways , what I am telling , is  you’ve got to organize yourself , so that you begin your day with confidence,and feel already equiped to face the day with serenity and clarity.

On the other hand , designing your mornings might also mean choosing what fits in your morning and personally , spiritual practice, exercise,some freshing up and reading and writing are really my non -negociable . Now , when you have a goal in mind ,if for instance I want to be a writer, I would willingly insert some writing practice in the morning .

So my Mj’s! it is up to you , let’s design our mornings so that it gets us closer to our goal and makes us get our power back as a result !


Enjoy 🙂

Mary Jokes;)


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